The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111572   Message #2365359
Posted By: CarolC
13-Jun-08 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israeli Jews/Israeli Arabs
Subject: RE: BS: Israeli Jews/Israeli Arabs
While there were Jews living in what is now Israel and Palestine all that long while ago (some of whom left the area and went elsewhere), it is certainly not true to say that Jews were the first people who lived there. The people whom the government of Israel is expelling are the descendants of the original people to live in that area. They have the older claim. Jews ruled the area for a few hundred years, and then some of them left. The non-Jewish indigenous people, and the descendants of the Jews who didn't leave have the greater claim to the land. The descendants of the Jews who left do not have the greater claim to the land, and they have no right to expel or displace the descendants of the non-Jews who were there originally and who never left. Nor do they have a right to come back to the land of the Jews who never left, create political institutions against the will of those indigenous Jews, and then proceed to discriminate against those indigenous Jews. Which is what was done.

This is a typically European supremacist way of doing things, but it has no legitimacy whatever.