The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112000   Message #2365377
Posted By: Michael
13-Jun-08 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is eating tomatoes BetterThanHaving sex?
Subject: RE: BS: Is eating tomatoes BetterThanHaving sex?
From Wikipedia:
Tomatoes' status as an aphrodisiac may be due to a mistranslation. Legend has it a Frenchman on his travels ate a meal with tomatoes in it and was fascinated with the new taste. He went back to the chef, who was Italian, and asked him what this new ingredient was. The chef said "Pomme de Maure" (Apple of the Moors), but the Frenchman misunderstood and thought he said "Pomme d'amour" (apple of love). The modern Italian word for tomato however is "pomodoro", which means "golden apple". However Spanish importation from the New World may explain the connection to the Moors.
