The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112000   Message #2365551
Posted By: Slag
13-Jun-08 - 09:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is eating tomatoes BetterThanHaving sex?
Subject: RE: BS: Is eating tomatoes BetterThanHaving sex?
The only Biblical stricture which comes to mind about either fruit ( which is what a tomato is) or a vegetable was about the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. There is no description of this fruit and beyond the literal point of view, it would appear to be only a metaphor for disobedience to God. All the rest of the plant kingdom seems to stand on its own merits. Tares, bad because it produces no edible seed, wheat good for the counter reason. The crown of thorns, the laurel wreath, chamomile tea, hemp, poppies, poppy seed, Jimson weed, liana vine: they all have their place, under the sun.

I don't hear the phrase to much of late but "she's a tomato!" used to mean that you were looking at a fine example of feminine pulchritude! So, in simile at any rate, tomatoes and sex are related. I believe that the tomato is in the family of plants known as Belladonna. Of course Belladonna means "beautiful lady". It didn't get that appellation from gorgeous flowers (small, pale blue) or drupaceous fruit (little beady berries). Rather, the fruit contains a poison known as atropine. In appropriate doses it has many beneficial effects on the human body. It can counter dict nerve agents and other poisons, decrease and help regulate motility, dilate blood vessels and dilate the eye. The later effect is what gave the plant its name as it was used to dilate the young ladies' eyes ( used especially in Spain) to make them look bigger and blacker than ordinary. So there is another connection, in a way, to sexuality and sensuality.

The Aztecs grew the tomato for ornamentation as well as food. When the plant made its way to Europe it had acquired the reputation as being poisonous. The courageous soul who first tried eating the "forbidden" fruit was a real pioneer and was rewarded with a real delight. Sensual, tasty, beautiful, satisfying, no disease or unwanted offspring, good for you, no guilt, easy to grow, no life commitments! What's not to love? That tomato is one hot babe!