The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112016   Message #2365899
Posted By: George Papavgeris
14-Jun-08 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: An English Folk Awards..?
Subject: RE: An English Folk Awards..?
Woa there Def, that wasn't WAV. But in any case, any discussion or grizzles along the lines of "they/government/others should do more about preserving a culture" versus "they are doing plenty already" actually misses the point in my book. And by a country mile, too.

Because it was no government and no policies that nurtured and developed the tunes and the songs we love, or the customs, the plays, the dances etc. It was individuals. At times lots of them, nowadays fewer perhaps, but that can only be our own fault - never a government's or an organisation's. So, if one feels that their culture is threatened, ferchrissake getyer finger out and DO something about it. The lecturers and the students at Newcastle, the staff and volunteers/members of EFDSS, countless performers like Coe, Kirkpatrick, Mary and Anahata (yes, Carthy too), Tickell, Collins, Swan and Dyer, Isambarde, Moray, Spiers & Boden, why, even Lakeman etc ARE doing something.

There is something laughable about demanding that the powers that be "do something" about a cultural expression that is supposed to be of and for the folk. At best, they can get out of the way; they cannot nurture it. It takes voices, and hands and legs and minds to do that. So if you feel that an English Folk Awards is needed, don't moan at the Beeb or Harding or Leonard - get out and organise one.

And I 'll gladly give you a hand.