The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111827   Message #2365998
Posted By: GUEST,Charlie Farquharson
14-Jun-08 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help A Hoser Foundation
Subject: RE: BS: Help A Hoser Foundation
Every guvmint estimit incloods an extry estimit of how much more it's gonna cost than yer ferst estimit. That's how come they always leeve this big deficit on the floor of yer House. And a deficit is what you've got wen you haven't got as much as if you jist had nothin'. If we tried any of this, we'd end up in jail. But the guvmint gits rid of its detts by Nashnullizing them. That's like the alkyholick who solved his problem by poring the booze in all of his bottles into one big container. Himself.