The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111572   Message #2366139
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
14-Jun-08 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israeli Jews/Israeli Arabs
Subject: RE: BS: Israeli Jews/Israeli Arabs
"So, the killing of Muslims at Hebron was 'The 1994 act' while what happened in 1929 was 'an atrocity'. Interesting."--Nickhere

Let's have some understanding here. Yes, The killings of Muslims at prayer in 1994 was an act of terror by the lone gunman, Baruch Goldstein, a member of the outlawed Kach Party. He, in turn, was killed by survivors of the massacre; I think justice was done.

His singlular action is similar to the to scores, if not hundreds, of Palestinian suicide bombers of Israelis and foreigners inside Israel.
The difference is that the Israeli government apologized to the wounded victims, and the murdered victims' families. And, too, the Israeli government paid reparations to said victims. Cohen is anathema to Israelis, save for a minute group of Kahanists. On the other hand, Palestinian murderers are 'heroes' whose families are often paid bounties by Muslim groups for the murderous act.

Now how does the 1929 Hebron massacre differ? It was not the act of a single person; it was urged and agitated for by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Thousands of Arabs participated in the killings and riots. Some Arab families did protect some Jews from harm--a blessing on them. When it was over, the surviving Jewish families were forced to relocate to Jerusalem; Hebron was then Judenfrei for nearly forty years.

Even Nickhere, I think, can see a difference in action, degree and response to Hebron 1929 and Hebron 1994.