The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111649   Message #2366162
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
14-Jun-08 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Wow! All of you have had VERY productive days! Congratulations, Liz, for conquering the kitchen and breaching the bulwark that is Limpit's room. And Kat, many things we give away or don't need have an identifiable "value," but if they're in the way or not needed, then that value works against you, so this was a good move for that chair. Start a Word document now, date it, insert a photo, state the listing price you felt the chair was worth when you tried to sell it (give a little history if this will help validate the value) and then put it in your files for tax stuff for this year.

I finished clearing off most of the kitchen counter (had a friend over for dinner and I rolled out pizza dough on that counter!)

I puttered with some gardening work--I'm adjusting the watering system here, so I found some short hoses and clamps and such for making an irrigation system for the garden. I'm still battling ants, though this is for the benefit of future fridge or freezer clutter--if I don't get the ants out of the food plants I won't have so much to preserve later. I am also moving around pots for planting (I filled them with a new mix of potting soil today)

Kat, that red wall is a gorgeous color. Is it just one wall in the room? It's a great background for that art.

Linn, I still probably have a few manila envelopes packed around here somewhere, boxes of papers that my parents clipped and mailed. So that's what they were doing--de-cluttering their own houses!