The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111649   Message #2366438
Posted By: katlaughing
15-Jun-08 - 03:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
I wish we could all come over and help you, Maeve, even if all we did was sit and visit with you while you went through it all. {{{hug}}}

We took the seven foot schefflera, my mom's good-sized Christmas cactus, and two philodendrons to our son and his family, today. Now there is an very empty looking corner in the living room and I have decided NOT to fill it up! Rog was sweet when we came home and I was looking at it. He said, "Gettin' houseplant at a time!" Of course he was grinning.:-)

My office is where I dump everything and do everything...ebay, books, jewellery, Morgan's arts and crafts, etc. I am grateful for the space being mine.