The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21965   Message #236731
Posted By: Joe Offer
01-Jun-00 - 03:57 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Irish songs (lots of songs here)
Subject: RE: Seeking Irish Lyrics
Yeah, just so we get this straight, let me explain that we're all volunteers here, and we do stuff because we like to do it. We like to help people find songs that are hard to find - it's a fun challenge.
HOWEVER, there is a point when we can get to where we feel "used" - especially when it appears the requester has made no attempt to find the lyrics at all. We also tend to feel "used" when the requester never comes back, or doesn't even acknowledge receipt of the lyrics. After all this work in this thread, I'm beginning to wonder if we'll ever see Rebecca again.
We have several very good features to help people find things here, and we've worked hard to present the FAQ and other guides to help people understand how the Mudcat works. It really isn't very hard to find your way around here - you just have to look around a bit. If you've looked and can't find what you're seeking, we'll be glad to help.
-Joe Offer-