The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112033   Message #2367494
Posted By: curmudgeon
16-Jun-08 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Shantying on Military Ships
Subject: RE: Folklore: Shanteying On Military Ships
"...yet, in this case, it is agreed on all hands that he was of the greatest service; any thing being excusable which could encourage men situated as they were."

This an example of ONE exception, not a general rule.

Sea Canary asked for documentation to prove a negative. This was given to his satisfaction.

Now comes a lot of naysayers who wish to dispute, among other things, the testimony of those, who in other circumstances , would most likely be accepted as valid.

Such winds as these need another tack.

Let those who believe that shanties were commonly used on naval vessels provide specific instances, chapter and verse, to demonstrate the validity of their argument.

Fair winds - Tom Hall