The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21991   Message #236782
Posted By: Rana
01-Jun-00 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: What is it with the English?
Subject: RE: What is it with the English?
To re-iterate The Shambles reply to Frank re. the following point:

"How do you define "being English", for that matter? Just because you were born in London does that make you English – even though your mother is Irish and your father is Jamaican? What is your tradition? Do you see Morris dancing as your tradition? Or rather, how can you see Morris dancing as your tradition?"

I was born and brought up in England of (East) Indian background. I've been Morris dancing for almost 15 years, so I would regard it as my tradition. It all comes down to taste and where your interests lie. My taste in "English" (as well as other British folk) started before this with the likes of early Fairport and the likes and then progressed as I explored the more traditional sources.

Reversing the question might be useful - why the huge interest in the likes of Riverdance etc by a much broader general public. Possibly slick media interest on top of what is a very talented show. I doubt, however, whether 150 Morris dancers in "Morris Dance" at the Met and on TV, to be honest would have generated as much interest.

I may have missed it but no one seems to have brought the dances - English Country, Playford, which does go on.
