The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111827   Message #2368996
Posted By: GUEST,Big Brother Don
18-Jun-08 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help A Hoser Foundation
Subject: RE: BS: Help A Hoser Foundation
Youse guys have really done it now. Shane just got flippin' arrested again, eh? He went flippin' nuts over to the liberry, picked up the liberry compyuter there and threw it flippin' acrost the room and it got busted all to pieces. The liberry staff called the flippin' cops. Offiser Dana and Offisers McCann and Jessup come flyin' over in 3 squad cars and they drug the boy off screamin' in handcuffs. Holy flip! What a flippin' row, eh?

I gotta feelin' they are gonna lock him up fer quite awhiles this time, eh?

It is too bad. We had a keg party planned fer the weekend. We will just have to have it without the little brother.

- Don McBride