The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112134   Message #2370545
Posted By: Houston_Diamond
20-Jun-08 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: Cluttering - A Celebration
Subject: RE: Cluttering - A Celebration
That sounds so lovely;

I live in a poky 1 bed council flat with my gf and 2 sons. I have family who visit tell me to declutter all the time but I can't think where to start. I love all my instruments from the largest sized to the smallest. I have stones and flotsam from sidmouth beach among other places I've been to in my life. In the past 3 years I've been at uni I have accrued another bookshelf of books and several computers. The past 6 years kids toys have multiplied in exceeding growth and to top it all we have 2 cats which are glad we cant swing in our flat of memorable trinkets. The bedroom is filled with 3 lots of furniture where we wait patiently to be upgraded to more bedrooms for our children. I love all my things and could never bring myself to losing any of them as they all have meaning to me, how could I declutter? How could anyone for that matter if it was stuff I didn't want i would have thrown it, give it away immediately or not have got it in the first place?

You have great taste and after reading your post I want to move away from London to your neck of the woods because of how nice you made it sound :D