The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112134   Message #2370907
Posted By: lady penelope
20-Jun-08 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: Cluttering - A Celebration
Subject: RE: Cluttering - A Celebration
Ooh do I speak and voice 'heresy' upon this thread... *G*

Whilst being far, far away from being 'minimalist', I do tend to reach 'stuff overload' at times. Possibly living in an 8x10 foot room till I was 27 has something to do with it, but I've never really been a 'stuff' kind of person. Generally when I start not being able to find the things I want or I become terrified at the prospect of becoming the victim of a 'stuff' avalanche should I try to find something, then I start insisting on 'stuff' being gotten rid of.

Of course, books and music do not count as 'stuff' (books were the one sort of item my Mother would happily let me store outside my room at home when I ran out of space. To her reading is more of a religious practice...) and I've discovered that we really do need to add some serious book shelf space someplace, because I've now reached the point where I can't find books because there's too many books in the way. The cds will be reaching the same point in about another 6 months I reckon.

Anyway, to make more room for books, something else is gonna have to go. There's only so much room in the loft and I hate having to store things we either no longer need (or never have done) or simply don't use. It irks me as I could be using that space for necessary stuff, like Peter's photographic gear and my material hoard (Honest, I will get around to making all those tops, trousers, dresses and coats.... *G*) for example.

This is made slightly harder for me as my husband's a natural hoarder. I think it's genentic. Apparently his Great Aunt's garage was full of flattened boxes from all the goods they'd bought during their entire marriage (some 60 odd years and that was just the garage mark you...). Mind you, we did get a spiffy top hat and a toasting fork out of that...