The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112094   Message #2371293
Posted By: Howard Jones
21-Jun-08 - 06:46 AM
Thread Name: The English Guitar/Cittern
Subject: RE: The English Guitar/Cittern
"And, through all the scorn, abuse and opprobrium, WAV gains attention, brand recognition, and above all, 115 plays in the last 24 hours"

Attention, yes, but with what result? Hands up anyone who's impressed by his poetry, recorder or keyboard playing, or singing? All he's succeeded in doing is convince the world that he lacks talent, self-awareness and, despite his much-vaunted degree, an analytical mind.

If his poetry and music had any merit, we might respect that. If he argued his case persuasively, we might respect that, even if we disagree. But what comes across is that, despite his professed love for the music, he knows little about where it comes from or how it was performed, and doesn't seem interested in finding out if it conflicts with his preconceived ideas.

All he's succeeded in doing is let the world know he's a prat, knowledge which would otherwise be restricted to those who know him personally.