The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21991   Message #237150
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
01-Jun-00 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: What is it with the English?
Subject: RE: What is it with the English?
"I am of Scots/Irish/English origins so I have a foot in each country" - with three legs you really must be from the Isle of Man, JohnL.

"Many English folksongs were traditionally sung unaccompanied, and tunes were played without singing. Perhaps this is part of the reason why they are not appreciated so much today" - that's just as true of the Irish tradition.

I think a lot of it is indeed down to the tyranny (and incompetance) of the clique who run broadcasting. As witness the removal of Andy Kershaw from Radio One. (Not that I can get Radio One on my wireless anyway, but then I gather it's not supposed to be listened to by people of my years...) Mind you, that could help in the long run - "this is the music they are trying to stop you hearing..."

I had high hopes when they tried to abolish May Day, and Morris Dancers came and lobbied Parliament. I could see it all looming up ahead of us - sticks being impounded as offensive weapons, hobbyhorses sent to the knackers, accusations of Satanic ritual dancing. Street credibility for the Engish traditions at last. But then the bastards backed down and gave up the silly idea.

One thing I have noticed is that when you get anybody being nasty to or about Morris dancers, it is never the ordinary punters - they always seem to approve of the idea. The flack comes from a certain type of folkie, who seem to feel that it lacks dignity, and that this is a black mark against it.