The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111649   Message #2371619
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
21-Jun-08 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
I didn't make a lot at this garage sale, maybe $100, but I did get rid of quite a few things that were occupying space. I only bought one thing, something I've thought about repurchasing for years after the divorce ($4 from the other neighbor at the sale). A used blender will do just fine for the few frozen drinks, but mostly for hummus and peanut butter. And I have a place to store it.

Interesting stories came up this time. I had picked up an attractive rocking chair at the curb in someone's trash last year. It cosmetically was messed up, needed a good finish and it looked like someone scraped their putty knife on the edge of the seat, and some of the spools/spindles needed glue. I sold it for two whole dollars at a garage sale last fall. Today a guy came by and reminded me "I bought that rocker from you," and proceeded to tell me how over the winter he worked on it now and then, sanding, clearing off the putty, filling in a few places that needed it, sanding, regluing the spindles. His girlfriend had bugged him that he was nuts to pick up that ugly chair, but after he painted the repaired chair with an attractive pastel green enamel and put it on his porch, she wants him to give it to her. "It's going to be out there on the porch for a long time!" This time he bought a box of dominoes, because he has an elderly neighbor who comes over to visit, and he thinks this might be a game he used to play. Sounds like a really nice guy.