The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111649   Message #2371655
Posted By: katlaughing
21-Jun-08 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
How kewl about the chair, SRS. We did a major thing in the living room. We had a haphazard, horizontal array of video equipment: tv, dvd recorder and player, dvd player, and VHS player, as well as surround sound system, all sprawled out on a narrow table, in front of the front windows with a cat basket on top for the darlings to sun themselves. And a 500 CD changer sitting off to the side; wires everywhere! I hated the whole thing.

Today, we took down a few books on another wall, put the tv on one of the shelves, the dvd recorder/player beside it, with the sound system next to those. The CD changer went below on a smaller table. The unused DVD player and VHS player went to storage. I had had the CD changer on an old-fashioned phonograph stand with LPs in the slots below. For ages I have wanted to use it for its intended purpose. Today we moved it over the the new "media wall" under the books and put an old suitcase phonograph on top. So, now when Morgan wants to listen to my old 45s and dance, we have the room and have the phonograph already set up and ready to go. It feels great!

The only thing we haven't solved is where to put his plastic bin of toys along with his smaller bin of crafts supplies, and one other bin of his. There's a corner it could all go in, but then I don't think he'd use it as much, though he hasn't much lately anyway because it's been buried under...I don't want him to feel we've kicked him out of the living room, but we've got to do something with it! For now, it is also under the books, under the new media stuff.

Ah, well, it was a major change, involving Rog doing all of the moving and wiring up. He even had to drill a hole through to our bedroom to split the cable for the tv so we wouldn't have a cable snaking across the front room. Once I get it swept and the books put up which we took down, I will be much happier with it all.

Tomorrow we tackle my caravan. It has had stuff pitched in it, will-he, nill-he, for storage, for the past year or two. We are probably going to need it for some of my other sisters' stuff which may be coming for a storage/visit, so we're going to organise our own stuff, finally. That is going to feel good, too!