The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112179   Message #2371945
Posted By: Marc Bernier
22-Jun-08 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: 'Whip Jamboree' (a.k.a. 'The Peacock')
Subject: RE: Folklore: 'Whip Jamboree' (a.k.a. 'The Peacock')
Where are you from that you listen to Fife and Drum SeaCanary? Whup or (Whip) Jamboree is a very common tune amongst Fifers and Drummers in the Northeastern US. It does not however date to the 18th century. The tune popular amongst the fife and drum community enters to repertoire during the Mid to late 1930's via a Drum Corps from New York named the Sons of Liberty, and it is a march setting of the Chanty of the same name. Being a chanty it certainly does not date to the period of the American Revolution, and I'v never heard of anyone playing it on fife before the Sons of Liberty. I could give you the full story if your interested. As for calling Whup' the Peacock, I'v never heard anyone do that. What F&D forum did you go to? Did they have any information?