The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112134   Message #2372130
Posted By: SharonA
22-Jun-08 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: Cluttering - A Celebration
Subject: RE: Cluttering - A Celebration
On a bulletin board that is currently horizontal and sandwiched between other large horizontal things, I have posted an old "Frank and Ernest" comic strip. It shows Frank in the midst of a pile of assorted stuff, saying to Ernest, "My motto is: A place for everything and everything all over the place."

My motto too.

In 2004 I celebrated Discardia (locally the holiday is called Trashmas) by donating heaps of no-longer-wanted stuff to the local charity thrift store. I have a record of it -- pages and pages and pages of things large and small. Even so I hardly made a dent in the piles and piles and piles of stuff I have... and I've since filled in the dent and created a new bulge with even more stuff, so things are more impossible (and rooms more impassable) than ever.

Guess it's time to start brushing up on those Trashmas carols again. 'Tis the season to, by golly. I'll never get to the point where I can see more than half the floor or even a third of the baseboards (and I don't think I'd enjoy that anyway) but I want to achieve Clutter -- that lived-in look, not the stored-in look (or the about-to-be-evicted-from look!).