The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109903   Message #2373802
Posted By: Anne Lister
25-Jun-08 - 03:06 AM
Thread Name: Be an Angel for Anne Lister/Tabster
Subject: RE: Be an Angel for Anne Lister/Tabster
Oh, thanks, both of you! I came home on Monday night totally exhilarated with what we were able to achieve with the first three songs to be completed and it's great to get these reactions from outside ears! (I take it for granted that my husband will love what I do - or at least say he does).
I have to say I am very blessed in my team of musicians. On this song these are Mike O'Connor (CrowderCref of this parish) on fiddle, Steafan Hannigan on bodhran and duduhk and Matt Crum on sax and keyboards. Matt is my godson and plays in various bands including Peeping Tom, Steam Chicken, the QPs and his own jazz band. He's a recent graduate of the Leeds university music degree (not Newcastle), been involved with folk music and dance since babyhood and he's definitely a name to watch out for.

On the Angels side - we've covered recording costs, I think, but could still do with more income to sort out manufacturing and possibly promotion.
