The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111649   Message #2374218
Posted By: katlaughing
25-Jun-08 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Your gate sounds lovely, maeve!

Micro-de-cluttering today: to heck with ebay for selling books! I ahve just taken teh plunge and listed 8 books on Amazon, for starters. I have a whole library cart/truck filled with ones which will go on there as I have time to list them. If they don't sell on there, at least it won't have cost me anything. I found a couple which I may still try out on ebay as they are rare, but that hasn't seemed to mean anything on there, so who knows!**bg**

Also shredded some old papers of my mom's which were duplicates.