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Thread #112317   Message #2375938
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Jun-08 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: rigging the vote...
Subject: RE: BS: rigging the vote...
Yes, I also believe that the last 2 USA elections were rigged...and stolen.

However, I regard the Democrats to be just as venal and corrupt a party as the Republicans. Both of them will attempt to rig and steal any election that comes along, but by a variety of means. Both of them are utterly self-serving.

Incumbents are usually far better set up to stack the next election in their own favor...but there's a certain point of course where the incumbents become so badly compromised in the public mind that they are pretty well bound to get rejected massively at the polls...and then the worm turns.

But the real tragedy is this: Whoever gets elected, whether it be the Democrats or the Republicans, will in my opinion continue to prop up what has become a very, very corrupt political order...and they will essentially continue to serve the same larger corporate interests whom they are both working for (with some differences in style and approach).

The USA needs to be set free of both those major parties and of the great profit-seeking militaristic oligarchy that uses them to further its own ends, ends which are absolutely imperial in nature.

I don't foresee that happening. The deck is too heavily stacked in favor of the oligarchs, because they own the broadcast media.

Much the same situation exists in Canada and the UK...only the public mood and the public expectations are quite different in some ways from those of Americans...and the politicians must keep that in mind. They are not able to go as far down the imperial road without their own public refusing to support them.

The reason our socialized health care system in Canada has not been dumped and done away with, for example, is this: our public simply will not tolerate that, and our politicians know it. The reason we did not join in fighting the Iraq war again is because our public would not have tolerated it.