The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102586   Message #2376067
Posted By: Teribus
28-Jun-08 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq...What next???
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq...What next???
Hi Susan's Hubby,

I too wish your son the best of wishes and a safe return, same goes for you and the rest of the family, particularly your son's wife and "mum-to-be". My youngest son is currently out in Afghanistan and expected to be home sometime in September.

As Amos has apparently said somewhere that the game changes and new tactics come into play. He is right in both Iraq and Afghanistan the days are gone when members of Al-Qaeda or the Taleban can swagger through towns and villages executing at will for whatever supposed offence. Gone are the days when they actually controlled towns, villages and districts. Anytime they do confront either MNF in Iraq, or ISAF/US Enduring Freedom Forces in Afghanistan they come off decidedly the worse for it. So yes they have changed tactics they have reverted to car bombings, roadside bombs, suicide bombers, this in itself is a sign that they are in retreat. No terrorist organisation has ever managed to defeat the forces they opposed using such tactics:

- The CT's didn't in Malaya
- The Tamil Tigers haven't in Sri Lanka
- ETA hasn't in Spain
- The paramilitaries didn't in Northern Ireland
- The various "Palestinian" factions haven't in Israel

It doesn't work because in such a campaign the only people who really get hit are the civilian population. Who, once they've had enough turn against the terrorists - that is exactly what has happened in Iraq, that is what is in the process of happening in the so-called Taleban heartlands of Afghanistan.

I fully support the efforts both my son and yours are engaged in and appreciate what they are trying to achieve. With some degree of success to the chagrin of such as Akenaton and all the fellow travellers.

Here is an old Scot's Borders saying, that I send to your son, "SAFE OOT - SAFE IN"