The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102586   Message #2376071
Posted By: akenaton
28-Jun-08 - 05:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq...What next???
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq...What next???
Come on T let it all hang out!
What about "fighting for democracy?"
Oh no I forgot....that was last month!

I too want to see your sons get home safely, but have your political opinions not helped to persuade them that this was a just, legal.or sensible war.
If I were the position of either of you, I would be feeling just a little bit guilty today.

I have told my sons of the futility and degredation of war.
Especially an unprovoked war of aggression
The deaths and mutilation of Iraqi children, are as horrific to me as the loss or injury of our own troops...Ake