The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102586   Message #2376093
Posted By: Teribus
28-Jun-08 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq...What next???
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq...What next???
Akenaton! You are as much an aging hippie as Bobert and just as delusional - "Come on T let it all hang out!" - I ask you, just what the hell are you on about, "let it all hang out" - exactly what on earth does that mean? Nothing a meaningless phrase from the 1960's - it's 2008, try and catch up.

As for "fighting for democracy" - Are the troops of the MNF and ISAF "fighting for democracy"? I'd say that they were, they are also fighting on behalf of democracy.

Tell me Akenaton before the most recent elections in both Iraq and Afghanistan when was the last time that the people of either country ever cast a vote that reflected their choice, their opinion, their preference? Don't bother wracking your brain my little Heilan' Anarchist - Never in living memory is the answer. So as far as "fighting for democracy" that is aleast a step forward - an improvement. Before you launch into accusations of them being "Puppet Governments", I'd just like to remind you that the UN found both to be free, fair and representative of the peoples choice, voter turn-out in Iraq there was over 70% - voter turn-out in the last election in Scotland was what Akenaton? Less than 35%? Just on that alone I'd say that the people of Afghanistan got the better deal.

"have your political opinions not helped to persuade them that this was a just, legal, or sensible war."

Odd though it may seem Akenaton, I very, very rarely discuss politics with my family, we've better things to do when we are all gathered together. Do I think that the actions taken in Afghanistan and in Iraq were just, legal and sensible? Yes damn right I do. Does my son think that the actions taken in Afghanistan and in Iraq were just, legal and sensible? I'll ask him, I think that his answer will accord with mine, but that is not the result of any prompting on my part, in exactly the same way as him joining the Royal Marines was entirely his own choice.

So you have told your sons "of the futility and degredation of war." have you, what exactly was that based on Akenaton? Experience at first hand? Stories told? Something written by others that you have read and agree with? I doubt very much if it were the former.

As for "unprovoked wars of aggression", what wars are you talking about Akenaton?

In chronological order taking Afghanistan first, when did the US launch an unprovoked war of aggression on Afghanistan? When did the US invade Afghanistan? Truth is that they didn't, what they did do is provide assistance to the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan to help in ending the civil war in that country, war was never declared against Afghanistan and there was never any US invasion. US troops assigned to Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan are there at the request of the Government of Afghanistan. NATO troops of the ISAF in Afghanistan are present in Afghanistan under UN Mandate. Now all of that might be slightly hard for you to swallow Akenaton but it is the truth. If you challenge that come up with fact not your usual leftist-anarchist rant.

In Iraq between summer of 2002 until spring 2003, Iraq, and Saddam Hussein in particular, was given ever opportunity to satisfy the international community of their concerns in relation to WMD and Iraq's continued flaunting of UN Security Council demands. Saddam Hussein chose to defy the UN, the USA had clearly stated that it would act, alone if necessary, but Saddam Hussein and his French, Russian and Chinese backers for reasons best known to themselves chose not to heed that warning and suffered the consequences. Hardly a pre-emptive strike.

"The deaths and mutilation of Iraqi children, are as horrific to me as the loss or injury of our own troops"

Well then Akenaton its high time that you started condemning those responsible for the vast majority of those deaths - oddly enough Akenaton that is not the US or UK Forces on the ground in either Iraq or Afghanistan. So if that last sentence of yours actually means anything let's hear you condemn Al-Qaeda and the Taleban for the misery that they, entirely through choice, are inflicting on "their" people.