The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2376401
Posted By: GUEST
28-Jun-08 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Obama has never been elected on a level playing field. He was fast-tracked because of skin color and is being touted now because of skin color. The man voted for the PATRIOT Act and the REAL I.D. Act. So much for his concern for "the people."

Obama reminds me of GWBush. When the teleprompter is running he's fine, but he stammers when he has to address a substantive question extemporaneously. Both men are brain-damaged drug abusers.

Clinton knew he'd been seen somewhere, sometime with a joint in his hand, so he said he held one at a party but never inhaled. Obama said he had his arm tied off, ready to shoot heroin, but he didn't. He doesn't recall who saw him shooting up where, so he did a Clinton. And Larry Sinclair says Obam's gay. So.....we have a homosexual junkie black fascist with a wildly racist wife poised to be inserted into the white house. Man o man. All because of a phony ad campaign taking advantage of flouride/mercury-damaged Americans. Your TVs put you into trance states so you'll buy Frankenfoods peddled as "healthy," so of course they'll sell you a Frankencandidate they claim is the "alternative." Then you have to decide whether to blow your head off with your right hand or your left.

And then you people get all misty over "the environment" and want to give Gore/Obama their Green Army to protect the environment, while they support the aforementioned Frankenfood industry and all the other things environmentalists are supposed to be against:

"Occidental's planned drilling of the Elk Hills doesn't only threaten the memory of the Kitanemuk. Environmentalists say a rare species of fox, lizard and the kangaroo rat would also be threatened by Oxy's plans. A lawsuit has been filed under the Endangered Species Act. But none of that has given pause to Occidental or the politician who helped engineer the sale of the drilling rights to the federally-owned Elk Hills. That politician is Al Gore.

Gore recommended that the Elk Hills be sold as part of his 1995 "Reinventing Government" National Performance Review program. Gore-confidant (and former campaign manager) Tony Cohelo served on the board of directors of the private company hired to assess the sale's environmental consequences. The sale was a windfall for Oxy. Within weeks of the announced purchase Occidental stock rose ten percent.

That was good news for Gore. Despite controversy over Dick Cheney's plans to keep stock options if elected, most Americans don't know that we already have a vice president with oil company stocks. Before the Elk Hills sale, Al Gore controlled between $250,000-$500,000 of Occidental stock (he is executor of a trust that he says goes only to his mother, but will revert to him upon her death). After the sale, Gore began disclosing between $500,000 and $1 million of his significantly more valuable stock...."

The Obama/Gore Green Army will be the Hitler Jugen. They will take everything you have because that Obama sticker on your bumper is made out of toxic plastic.

Nader's running again. So, it's either Nader or the nadir for the tree huggers. Vote Nader.