The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112313   Message #2376747
Posted By: Stringsinger
29-Jun-08 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: DC Gun Ban Banned
Subject: RE: BS: DC Gun Ban Banned
Mick I must respectfully and vociferously disagree with you when you said:

"They didn't throw it out. They defined that one was the operative and one was the prefatory. That is pretty standard constitutional and contract law. It is not invalidating anything, just giving the appropriate weight and defininition for settled law, which is what this becomes."

This does not balance the two parts of the Amendment legally in any way. The "militia"
part of the law was not given equal weight which would be the same as applying the same value to the First Amendment which would ignore the first statement about "Congress
shall make no law with the respect to religion" and cite the second part of the Amendment as primary.

What the Supreme Court did in their decision was to enable gun-runners to operate
without governmental control in Washington DC and I submit to you that this is an
ideological view that opens up the acceptance of an invasion of Iran. Micheal Moore adequately addressed this issue in "Bowling For Columbine" when he connected the gun violence at the School with the embracing of the Military Industrial Complex. What the Court has done is open the door for the acceptance of gun violence and enabled more to occur at other public schools in the future.

It's about time that gun-owners recognized their culpability in the gun crimes that are growing daily with the prison system in the US today. They do not have the authority nor the inclination to police themselves in the use of firearms. The handgun sales will increase and the weapons will be available for criminals in the future.

Alito and Scalia have made a serious error which will have disastrous consequences for
the safety of the American public.

Frank Hamilton