The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2376770
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jun-08 - 02:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
I'm well aware that the media is up to their usual tricks pushing Obama, Guest...just as they do with all the candidates they push. I did not post what I did because I particularly support Obama. I did not post what I did because I support what Dohrn and Ayers did. I posted it because I am encouraging you to see other people as complete personalities with complex motivations and people who imagine themselves doing "the right thing", not as cardboard stereotypes of evil monsters to be served up as a human sacrifice on your emotional firing line.

Like you said, Dorhn and Ayers were on the losing side. That made them criminals in the public eye. On the winning side they would have been seen as patriots and heroes...or possibly as martyrs. That's how fickle people are in their judgements of others.

ALL those people who do things like Dohrn and Ayers did see themselves in their own eyes as patriots and they all love their country and imagine that they are fighting FOR it. That's the part that you apparently don't get and will never get it. It doesn't mean they were RIGHT, but that's how they felt at the time.

You don't respect your enemies, and you don't see them as fully human like yourself. You hate them. You want to see them all executed. That's your error, and it is a quality natural to all fascists to think in those terms, so you might make a very good fascist if you were so inclined, I'm thinking. Fascism wears many hats, but it is always driven by a ruthless form of righteousness that sees evil EVERYWHERE...except for the evil hidden in its own breast.

You're right that my posts are usually well-considered. That's because I am fueled more by genuine idealism about humanity's possibilities rather than by sheer hatred of others and a deep sense of personal grievance.