The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102586   Message #2376833
Posted By: Bobert
29-Jun-08 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq...What next???
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq...What next???
Nah, homosum, they "all" didn't vote to invadeeither Afganistan or Iraq... A short trip thru Googleburg will tell you which Dems didn't go along with Bush...

And as for Obama bombing and invading other countries??? At this point in time he hasn't made any statements that supports that claim... He did say that if he had actionable intellegence that there were some bad guys planning to attack us and hiding in Pakistna and Pakistan refused to get them he would order a surgical air strike... That statement alone is not the kind of satement that supports your assertion that Obama will invade and bomb other nations...

Now we know how much you hate Obama... We even started a thread just for you entitled "Slam Obama Here"...

The situation in Iraq is not Obama's doings...

Now, if he gets elected and he does stupid stuff, guess what... I'm gonna be like the measles and be all over him... What other realistic choices do we have... Face it, Ralph ain't gonna get elected...
