The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112267   Message #2377695
Posted By: Spleen Cringe
30-Jun-08 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: Earning a living in Folk
Subject: RE: Earning a living in Folk
Erm... Where's Mudcaster?

Snail, I'm not identifying the town I'm from or the clubs I'm talking about on a public forum, because the people I've met who run them are decent enough people and I wouldn't want to publically humilate them. Let's just say what they believe is a good thing is to my way of thinking a pretty miserable, dismal thing. I believe I could travel to other towns in the region for slightly better clubs, but lets face it, I wouldn't do that for rock or jazz or cinema or theatre, so why for folk? Are we saying it's such a specialist genre that I have to drive twenty to forty miles to listen to it in a halfway decent club? The last truly decent club I went to (though the venue that housed it was a bit bobbins) was an hour and a quarter's drive away. Now there may be something else ok that's closer, but an hour and a quarter's drive there and an hour and a quarter's drive back really is too much. On a school night too.

Meanwhile, Snail I absolutely accept your version of reality being right for you. What I don't accept is that you seem to think we're all bonkers for saying "It's not like that where we come from".

Having said that, "Folk Stalinism" was a little harsh. So I will withdraw the term with a small but perfectly formed apology and retire to my withdrawing room to come up with a more apt turn of phrase.