The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112267   Message #2378447
Posted By: TheSnail
01-Jul-08 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: Earning a living in Folk
Subject: RE: Earning a living in Folk

So what are you saying here?

That slagging off your customer base doesn't seem to me to be good business practice.

You and I both know that there is more to this, I'm pretty sure that ESAM feels pretty nervous as a result of your threat.

The idea of ESAM being nervous about anything strikes me as pretty unlikely. I never had the slightest intention of exposing who I think he is; it's only a guess after all, but if you and I have our ideas about who he is, surely anyone who actually knows him will have sussed him out long ago. If I meant any more than that it was simply to let him know that I had guessed who he is and to take a little revenge for his remark that "you really don't like professional folk singers very much" which is completely unjustified and potentially damagaing to my reputation and, by association, the reputation of the Lewes Arms.

if your intent was not to shut people up who disagree with you.

No of course it wasn't. I was explicitly asking for a response. I wanted them to give the grounds for their allegations. It seems Tom is not prepared to respond to my questions regardless of what I say which is a pity because I would like to ask him to give a reference to the threads he is talking about above and to explain why, if none of those who tend to be nasty about trade musicians are club organisers, it is necessary for touring artists to be careful about what they're prepared to say at the supper table after the gig.