The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112320   Message #2378986
Posted By: Severn
02-Jul-08 - 08:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Midsummer Tavern open for business
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Midsummer Tavern open for busines
There happens to be a yellow brick road leading from one of the doors on the West side. Liz is not sure where it leads, but she feels she may be able to find a new brain at the end of it.

....So Liz and the kitty Raven, who has decided that that it's finally met a moth too big to chase, go skipping down this thoroughfare singing:

Coupla bricks short of a load,
Coupla bricks short of a load,
Coupla, coupla, coupla, coupla.
Coupla bricks short of a load....

...which is what Dorothy would have sung had SHE needed the brain but was somehow still able to think of it. Liz may only be goldbricking, but if so, it still instinctively seems the proper path to follow.

I'm sure she'll be back soon, and better for the journey, with a few colorful stories and maybe some new ethnic sings from Wherever for the evening singaround.

The alternative being a lustful squid in a pit of green Jell-o, The Wizard Of Ooze just doesn't cut it. The walk should at least sober her up a bit.

"Happy Trails, Liz!' we all call out.

"....And your little cat Raven, too!" somebody cackles!

Meanwhile a betting pool has already sprung up over how long she'll be gone.......