The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2379287
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jul-08 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
It's a two sided sword, Amos, with Big Media... They are steamed that Obama got the nomination and so, conscoius or not, they do not view Obama positively... They look for negatives in him... I can't decide if it's bias or prejudice or a combination of the two???

The other side of the swordn is the complete pass that Big Media gives it's darling, John McCain... They are infacutaed with him because he gives them unlimited access and is very accomodating... I've read where he has picnics and feeds 'um and boozes 'um up...

I mean, lets get real here... This is what it is and it ain't all about Fox... The Washigton Post holds Obama to a much higher standard than it does McCain... If Obama gibves a major policy speech the Post will run it on A-17 while McCain will get front page for saying something as repeatative as "The surge is working", which, of course, the Post loves because it has supported the Iraq war since the very beginning and has bit ob every sorry ass aecuse that Bush can think of for US being there???

Now as for Obama and the Post, Obama only gets front page if it's negative or at best, neutral...

Thats the way it is...

Like I said on another thread, Obama ain't the nominee that the corportists wanted... Oh yeah, they wanted him to do well so they could pump out their chests an boast of just how colorblind everything is in our little military/industrialist state but, make no bones about it, they wanted Hillary...
