The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60546   Message #2380861
Posted By: GUEST,Briser
04-Jul-08 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Is this story true? - Hartlepool Monkey
Subject: RE: Folklore: Is this story true? - Hartlepool Monkey
Similar legend from Boddam, Aberdeenshire...

Eence a ship sailed round the coast
And a' the men in her was lost
Burrin' a monkey up a post
So the Boddamers hanged the monkey-O

Noo the funeral was a grand affair
All the Boddam folk was there
It minded you o' the Glesga Fair
Fin the Boddamers hanged the monkey-O

Noo a' the folk frae Peterhead
Cam oot expectin' tae get a feed
So they made it into potted heid
Fin the Boddamers hanged the monkey-O