The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112515   Message #2381758
Posted By: Stringsinger
05-Jul-08 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: What does patriotism mean to you?
Subject: RE: BS: What does patriotism mean to you?
As an American, I feel that patriotism is the understanding of the principles of a brilliant document called The Constitution, although imperfect, it embodied a kind of idealism
of government that wasn't seen anywhere prior to its inception.

True patriotism is a knowledge of the implications of this document and an appreciation
for those who put it together.

The terms "Freedom and democracy" have become debased by those who use it to promote their own political ambitions. They are jingoistic footballs by people who don't really understand what they are.

"Democracy" is an ideal and is always in a state of evolution. It requires participation
as well as knowledge since it is based on the "law of the commons" which means that
it must be used in the service of the majority of people living under it.

"Freedom" is the right of every person living in a democracy to think for themselves
and not be dictated to by political or religious leaders. Jefferson expounded on this
at length. This "freedom" is at the core of patriotism.

Being a patriot doesn't mean having to fight or go to war to prove it. It is a form of
enlightenment in its true meaning.

I believe that the concern many of us here have for the music of our country is an outgrowth of this understanding, that it is important because it defines our values
found in our history.

Frank Hamilton