The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112515   Message #2382245
Posted By: Stephen L. Rich
06-Jul-08 - 06:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: What does patriotism mean to you?
Subject: RE: BS: What does patriotism mean to you?
The best thing that I have ever heard said on the subject of patriotism came from an Englishman. From 1967 through 1969 Father William Casserley was temporarily reassigned from his home parish in the UK to St Giles church; a small Episcopalian church in Northbrook, Illinois in the United States. This was as all of the political and cultural insanity of the late 1960's were coming to a head.
    The battle cry, as it were, of the political right was "My country, right or wrong". Father Casserley pointed out that true patriotism might be better expresed by the words, "My country, and, God, may it please be right".

      Stephen Lee