The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112266 Message #2382945
Posted By: sian, west wales
07-Jul-08 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: Welsh songs mystery
Subject: RE: Welsh songs mystery
It's been 'doing the rounds' for some time, Mick. I think there's some law suit trying to be set up in Australia - someone claiming copyright on "Kookabura Sits in the Old Gum Tree" (sorry if K... spelt incorrectly!) and hence all associated versions in any possible language. I think I wrote back once and said that Welsh versions (e.g. the two you name which are really the same words with slight variations) exist but I knew nothing more. I can make a bit of a guess who wrote the Welsh but I don't feel inclined to provide the info ... and it's only a guess after all.