The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112554   Message #2383489
Posted By: Nerd
08-Jul-08 - 12:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should I have tossed her overboard?
Subject: RE: BS: Should I have tossed her overboard?
SeaCanary and I were the duo on the other boat. Sometimes when we got close enough we could hear Skivee leading his passengers in song...but we were never close enough to hear the words.

So, skiv...y'all's boat didn't have a fragrant chum-grinder? AND your captain was the lovely Jennifer? Shit, I just KNEW you were getting the better berth! On the other hand, you got the difficult passenger, so let's say we're even.

Anyway, that rain fell on us all equally, eh?

Charley...not the Chesapeake Bay, sorry. Actually, we were sailing in ballad-land, and were able to see both Sherwood Forest and the Isle of St. Helena.

GUEST from sanity, lighten up. Bobert was spelling it right. B-U-T-T spells butt.