The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112554   Message #2384176
Posted By: Nerd
08-Jul-08 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should I have tossed her overboard?
Subject: RE: BS: Should I have tossed her overboard?
Or an osprey, of which there seemed to be a great profusion.

Nothing very salty happened on our three hour cruise, I'm afraid. Our captain was a bloke, but we did have the lovely Katie on the crew, who is (as they say) "easy on the eyes." Among the passengers, we did have one guy who was a bit eager to make conversation specifically with me, which made it hard for me to sing at the appropriate times and still remain polite. The captain took care of that when he saw what was going on, by simply calling on me to sing.

SeaCanary and I each led a couple of songs as we sailed out from the river into the bay (no, not the Chesapeake!) Then we were becalmed, and the cap'n was obliged to start the engine. At first ol' Canary was reluctant to sing while the engine was engaged, which was understandable. But when the rain started lashing down, I reasoned that a good song that some passengers couldn't hear was preferable to no song at all, so I got the ball rolling with "Roll the Old Chariot Along."

I must have been quite a sight, as it was hard to breathe for all the rainwater that was running into my mouth. After that, a friendly passenger lent me a comically small pink umbrella, which I held over my head more for the amusing look of it (I am a big, hairy, fellow who looks a bit like Hagrid) than for any protection. I must have looked like a bear in a bowler hat!

One of the crew requested Stan Rogers's "Barrett's Privateers," which we usually don't sing (we've just heard it too many times). But, since it is after all set in the Revolutionary War, and it WAS independence Day, and it WAS a request, and I DO know it, I obliged. That went well, but I did notice a couple of religious-looking ladies who began to fidget when it became clear that I was going to sing "God damn" over and over again. (This is one of the things you need to be careful of with that piece. I always just assume that when the church ladies hear the end, and find out the guy's lost his legs, they'll understand his anger!) Anyway, you can't please everyone, and Sea Chanteys aren't the best choice for folks who take offense easily!

SeaCanary sang a number of unusual funny songs, which I wish to learn off him someday. He then gave one of his little oratories about the Star-Spangled Banner (he knows too much about that song), and sang it, in a key that I would not have chosen myself. I did manage to sing along without doing myself too bad an injury, though.

I was told more than once that I kept people's spirits up during the storm, and even by one person that she wouldn't have made it through the soggy ride without the singing...which is always nice to hear.

Miraculously, the weather cleared up in time for the fireworks display!

So I guess Ol' SeaCanary and I did our jobs, and in return we got a cruise (albeit a wet one), some cookies, a small fee, and the best seat in the house for some good pyrotechnics. I can't complain too much...unlike that whinger Skivee!