The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112612   Message #2384772
Posted By: Donuel
09-Jul-08 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who will win the US uprising ?
Subject: BS: Who will win the US uprising ?
The Corporate fascism of US / multinational Corporations has acted in concert with an emerging police state built by a Republican adminstration to create what amounts to a 4th Reich.

Propoganda ministers don't have names like Himmler but rather are Mannity and Limbaugh. They 'earn' 100's of millions of dollars to convince the public that any deviation of the status quo or control over corporate power and war machines is insane, umpatriotic and a formula for the destruction of America.

Generals are required to obey Presidential orders like short order cooks.

...My computer has to restart due to a downloader security threat so I will get to the point of the coming battle between a populist uprising and corporate Homeland Security in a moment...