The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112612   Message #2384876
Posted By: Donuel
09-Jul-08 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who will win the US uprising ?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will win the US uprising ?
When multigeneratational red states elect blue candidates it is significant, but that is not the issue.

The 70 year slow motion war against US citizens by the emerging corporate police state becomes evident to average people only when the bread and circus breaks down. The price of bread and fuel along with the price of cable TV is getting people's attention.

My outrage is no more worrisome than the spoutings of Lou Dobbs.
Yes he fakes right and goes left and visa versa for ratings but the war on the middle class is real and deliberatly slow.

If I had to wager I would say that corporate fascism will beat the once proud liberty minded people of the US. That the democratic ideals will thrive in other nations is of some consolation.