The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2384950
Posted By: Amos
09-Jul-08 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
That's what ticks me off; first, that you feel I have done the same to you, by posting excerpts from various anti-Bush articles (not solely anti--I added in some pro-Bush bits once in a while), and seconde, that your remedy is to post screeds of long articles in an effort ot simply glut the channel into non-operability, and that you think this is a useful rejoinder instead of rebutting the points and issues. As a response it is about as useful as the mockery games played by children who drive others mad by copying them. The logic of it actually escapes me.

If you had evidence of facts that justified invading Iraq -- not just that "everybody was scared", but ground truth -- I haven't seen it posted here.

IF you have rebuttals against those who decry the FISA violations, the heavy handed signing statements, the suppression of habeas corpus, the abuses of torture, and the other points that have been specifically levied againstr the Bush adminitration, they would be welcome.

But by multiplying the screeds of arm-wavers whose logic consists primarily of shouting opinions louder, you do a disservice to your own cause.

And you're going to be tempted to copy that sentence and fire it back at me in a stupid and childish mockery, so please don't.