The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112612   Message #2385071
Posted By: Donuel
09-Jul-08 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who will win the US uprising ?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will win the US uprising ?
In light of the intolerant claims that I don't belong here and the call for my psychiatric treatment...

I will end my 8 years of posting novel thoughts and illustrations with my thoughts and rememberance of the changes I have seen.

Today we live just long enough to forget the gains we have made in our civilization and allow immortal institutions to continue their injustice and greed beyond our grave. Certain groups use time differently and always will. The ruling class base decisions for their family on a multi generational basis. The middle class works toward the well being of their children and the poor live day by day.
As immortal as certain corporations and power wielding groups may be, they still make short sighted stupid decisions.

If we personally lived to the age of 700 instead of 70, imagine how different Veteran's Day might look. Most of us might avoid repeating the same war. We might remember the great mistakes and work hard to avoid making them again. We would clearly see the slow motion war against the middle class by halving their income and tripling the price of education and commodities. If we lived hundreds of years we would have more sage friends.

A child today can only base what the social norm is by his or her current life. If we had flying saucers , your teenager would think it quite normal to ask if they could borrow yours this weekend.   The words the young learn along with their new definitions become the way they view the world.   I remember the same words and definitions we have today had a nearly opposite meaning 40 years ago. This is the result of deliberate think tank projects that explore new and efficient ways to lie, bought and paid for by those who will benefit the most.. I am 58 but I remember a much different American norm than a 20 year old does.

I remember when one bread winner was sufficient for a household. I remember that a January thaw meant that we had temperatures in the high 30's, instead of a bizarre 75 degree winter heat wave. I remember that there were no thunder snow storms. I remember President Eisenhower warning against something he called the military industrial complex. I remember what water vapor jet con trails used to look like. I remember that the police were our neighbors and known to everyone instead of faceless SWAT teams conducting 60 missions a day. I remember that vote fraud was a regional oddity instead of the norm.

I remember that when a businessman failed and looted his business he was punished instead of being rewarded by golden parachutes. I remember an endless war was met with people demonstrating in every University and city across the nation.   I remember that the very idea of trashing science was unpatriotic and stupid on its face. I remember when we fought a world war against corporate fascism.   I remember when laws were made by law makers instead of corporations. I remember a sickening racial and gender discrimination. I remember loud mouthed demagogues and their shills were paid hundreds of millions of dollars… well some things don't change.

If overpopulation could be solved fairly and humanely I believe that a healthy 700 year life span for human beings would provide a clarity for civilization, the Planet Earth and worlds beyond. Surely there is no fool like an old fool but if we lived longer we might all know what is truly foolish and what bears fruit in our modern garden of Eden.