The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112554   Message #2385179
Posted By: SharonA
09-Jul-08 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should I have tossed her overboard?
Subject: RE: BS: Should I have tossed her overboard?
Hmmm, what to do in such a situation?? I think I would have stopped singing the Star-Spangled Banner and announced to the company, "Extroverted Woman is quite correct; American citizens should stand for the singing of the national anthem, but since the captain has requested that we all remain seated, I should not have put you all in an awkward and embarrassing position. I apologize to you all, and I hope you will join me in singing the SSB once the captain allows us to stand safely. In the meantime, let's all sing a shanty.... 'O What Shall We Do With the Extroverted Woman?' " Then I would encourage the exasperated crowd to call out their suggestions, and sing them as verses. :^)

But GUEST "hg" is right: the captain and crew should have handled the situation long before it got to that point. Surely they have a policy in place to deal with slightly-drunk, unruly passengers. It was a three-hour tour; at least the bartender should have flagged her and let her sober up, but it sounds as though she was allowed to keep drinking in spite of her intoxicated obnoxiousness!

Since they didn't act, I (and the band) would have suggested to the captain/crew when the weather started getting rough that Extroverted Woman be sent below along with the small children, since a drunken person is more likely to slip on a wet deck and fall. Heck, she could have stage-directed the kids and led them in some songs! ...or the other adults below (supervising the kids) could have dispatched her, with fewer witnesses. Everyone knows how unreliable a small child's court testimony is! Heh heh heh...

Anyway, I don't think that I would have been as willing to capitulate to Extroverted Woman's song "requests" (demands). I would have stuck to my guns and repeated that the band had been hired to sing sea chanties and that if she knew any chanties to request, we'd be happy to sing them. (Giving in to her non-chanty demand only gave her more of a feeling of power and encouraged her to push her weight around more.) Failing all else, I would have banded together with the other three singers (strength in numbers) to collectively ask her as politely as possible to be quiet so that we could do our job and so that the other passengers could enjoy the music. If she'd refused, I/we would have appealed to the captain to have one of her crew handle the situation... while the weather was still nice!

So, Skivee, what of the other three singers who were on the ship? Did they do nothing, just as the captain did nothing, about the Extroverted Woman?