The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112554   Message #2385354
Posted By: Skivee
09-Jul-08 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should I have tossed her overboard?
Subject: RE: BS: Should I have tossed her overboard?
Well, I think that I should throw a few more cards on the table.
In truth, this wasn't the worst thing that has happened to me as a performer.
The venue wasn't a concert hall, where I could demand absolute quiet from the audience
I have said many times that performers can't get snotty and have their feelings hurt because of people predictably acting like people.
Until the "Star Spangled Banner Incident" as it has come to be known in song and story, she was just slightly annoying. I really didn't get the feeling that she was really drunk, causing her to "act out". Rather, I think that she is just an inconsiderate noveau riche jerk who thinks that her every utterance is a wonderful gem worthy of Dorothy Parkers Algonquin Round Table. This brand of self-absorbtion is annoying to those of us whose every utterance is a wonderful gem worthy of Dorothy Parkers Algonquin Round Table. This attitude is not uncommon among yacht-owners. Every bonehead floating in a Zodiac thinks that they invented the nautical trade.
Since this was the last song of the night, there was no real point in making an issue. In fact, I did start taking her to task a bit, then realized that she was never going to see her behaviour as other than patriotic.
The Nerd has tried to make it seem like we needed his assitance because of jealousy...We were on Captain Jenn's boat and he wasn't. Bwahahahahackcoughspit.
In any case, I had some fun writing it up, and I also appreciate everybody's comments. I'll try to incorporate the practical ones in future performances.