The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112615   Message #2385422
Posted By: Teribus
10-Jul-08 - 03:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: No uranium in Iraq?
Subject: RE: BS: No uranium in Iraq?
"Prior to the Gulf War, ca. 1991, the UN inventoried the yellow cake and put it into storage UNDER UN SUPERVISION, INSPECTION, AND CONTROL where it has remained since." - JohnInKansas

That statement of yours is not strictly true is it John. Discovered sometime shortly after "Desert Storm" as part of the disarmament agreements agreed to at Safwan, tagged, sealed and stored as you say under UN SUPERVISION, INSPECTION, AND CONTROL until sometime in 1998 after which there was no UN presemce inside Iraq until late 2002 and no inspection or control established until early 2003.

I would be interested in hearing from the IAEA, or UNSCOM, as to why this considerable quantity of raw material essential for any nuclear programme was not removed from Iraq in the period 1991 to 1998.

To all those clapping you on the back and all the comments related to this "Yellow Cake" and whether or not it counts as WMD material, I would advise all to return to read the mandate given to UNMOVIC whose presence in Iraq in 2002/2003 was entirely due pressure applied by George W Bush. You will discover in reading that mandate that they (UNMOVIC) did not have to "find" WMD in Iraq, what they did have to do was establish beyond doubt that Iraq had no WMD capability, that their research and development programmes on WMD and delivery systems were shut down. To this day no-one can say with any certainty that WMD do not exist in Iraq, but one thing that can definitely be said of the present Government of Iraq is that they are not pursuing any WMD capability, or any research and development of WMD and their associated delivery systems.