The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112612   Message #2385715
Posted By: Donuel
10-Jul-08 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who will win the US uprising ?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will win the US uprising ?
Ebbie you should watch more George Carlin.
now about Internal Revenue or Dept of the Interior?

Words that have opposite meanings by way of deliberate political tinkering are best known as Orwellian words.

Take an average eumphemisms for the word war. Operation, Mission, Cleaning out, Purify...they sound sanitary and medicianl but they signify something utterly horrid. there are humdreds of them.

Other words are borrowed yet they are nearly opposite from their original definition:
Patriot Act
Freedom Zone

An immortal instituion could be a nation an organization or even a family.
An immortal institution could be the Vatican Church or departments within the US goverment which are unelected offices classified
beyond the eyes/security clearence of the President. Of course even the wealthiest families are not truely immortal but some of them have had a good run.

As for settling for 150 , genetic science indicates that 300 years is probably the upper limits of possible longevity

As for you remark of taking no special acumen, why should it?
I have never claimed I am the smartest person on Earth, in fact I have stated quite the opposite. I may only state the obvious but as we have seen there are many people who do not see the obvious.