The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112434   Message #2387648
Posted By: GUEST,Gerry
13-Jul-08 - 02:41 AM
Thread Name: Was 'Lord of the Dance' anti-semitic?
Subject: RE: Was 'Lord of the Dance' anti-semitic?
oggie, perhaps you have overlooked the many occasions in this thread when I have indicated my disagreement with passages in Genesis. Please have a look and then report back to us.

Howard writes, "Your argument has moved beyond the interpretation of a few lines of a song to challenge the beliefs of millions of people, most of whom would emphatically deny being anti-semitic."

Howard, those people are not anti-semitic, and I have never said that they are.

Howard continues, "The version of the events as it is understood by millions may or may not be historically accurate, but is it anti-semitic? Webster's defines anti-semitism as "The intense dislike for and prejudice against Jewish people". "

The gospel version of events blames (some of) the Jews (of the time) for something they didn't do. That, by itself, should be enough reason to condemn that version. Then that version of events formed the foundation for centuries of religiously inspired persecution of Jews, and as long as people hold and teach and sing about that version of events they prepare the ground for more of the same in the future.

Howard continues, "Is Christianity inherently anti-semitic? I think most Christians would emphatically reject that idea."

Yes, Howard, and so did I, 07 Jul 08 - 09:29 AM, when I wrote, "Christianity is not antisemitic."

Howard continues, "Some Christians, and some Christian institutions, certainly have been anti-semitic , but to use that to tar all Christians with the same brush is to use the same false logic which holds all Jews responsible for the death of Jesus."

I do not hold that all, or most, or many Christians are antisemites. If they believe the gospel accounts of Jewish involvement in the death of Jesus, then they hold an antisemitic belief - but I do not call anyone an antisemite for his beliefs, only for his actions.

CarolC, where is the charge that the Jewish authorities were corrupt? where, that is, other than in Christian scripture?

Ravenheart, I think that by the time the gospels were written most of the Christian evangelical effort was directed at the Gentiles, not the Jews.