The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112704   Message #2388237
Posted By: Stu
14-Jul-08 - 04:23 AM
Thread Name: David Icke
Subject: RE: David Icke
Mrs Stigweard and I were in the car a year or tow ago waiting to pull out of a junction in Newport on the Isle of Wight where Icke lives. There was a pub on the corner with loud music issuing forth (it was the middle of the afternoon in the week).

Standing opposite us was a bedraggled and unkempt looking chap carrying a Tesco's bag, glaring hard at the pub. I took us a few seconds to recognise the Son of God himself standing there, looking as if he'd just slept under a hedge (mind you, after several consecutive days of traversing big shingle banks and mudslides in pursuit if the mighty saurian we probably looked as if we'd slept under a hedge too).

He scrubs up well for the telly.